Heavenly Music of Vehicles Roaring

- in Cars

Every car its own typical look but still, there is more than just the appearance. The cars have a soul that is special for each of them. The sound of the engines and the exhaust are just as important as the appearance. Every sound that is produced by the engines is individual and distinctive as much as the body line of the car.

There are many car videos. The video that I suggest you should watch today is titled “Getting Started” and I believe you will enjoy in it in 33 different ways … at least.

It is a video that contains many engine sounds of cars from different generations, sounds that cause pleasure, sometimes even strong emotions. I suggest you should watch the video first, then play it again, but this time close your eyes and enjoy … and maybe you should try to guess the type of the car.

Getting Started
If you’re wondering whose are the beautiful legs in the opening scene, that’s the beautiful Anamique Burcaw, who makes the video more beautiful.

There are 33 cars, one of them was owned by Steve McQueen, while another one by Elvis Presley … that’s a pedigree. If you want to know something about these two cars, you should Google a little about the stars who owned them, and in that way you will learn many other interesting facts about them.

Watch the video.  Hearing all 33 amazing vehicles roaring one after another is like a symphony to any gearhead’s ears!

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